HAMILTON BEACH Hot & Cold Coffee Maker – 42501
With the Hamilton Beach Convenient Craft Rapid Cold Brew & Hot Coffee Maker, you’ll get smooth cold brew in 6 minutes or hot coffee in 3 minutes.
Brew a cup or travel mug with bold or regular strength. It doesn’t use costly pods either.
COLD BREW OR HOT COFFEE IN MINUTES. With this cold brew maker, you can enjoy smooth, cold brew coffee in less than 6 minutes without the usual 12 to 24 hour wait. When you want hot coffee, you can brew a piping-hot cup in 3 minutes.
COFFEE TO GO — BREW UP TO 16 OZ. INTO A TRAVEL MUG. With this single-serve coffee maker, you can brew up to 16 oz. into a travel mug for easy portability. Mug not included.
Use Your Favorite Ground Coffee — Doesn’t Disposable Pods Why waste money on pods that limit your options? Use your favorite ground coffee instead
COLD BREW OR HOT COFFEE YOUR WAY: Control how strong you want your coffee with bold and regular brew strength settings on this cold brew coffee machine.
CONVENIENT REMOVABLE STAND. Brew a single cup with the stand in place or remove it to brew up to 16 oz. in a travel mug. Note: Cup and travel mug are not included.
Brand new. Backed by Hamilton Beach warranty.