Numatic NVQ470 Vacuum Cleaner With Steel Head – Commercial
Numatic NVQ470 Dry Vacuum Cleaner – Numatic
The NVQ470 is the largest of the commercial dry vacuum cleaner range. It features a large 27 Litre capacity, Numatics Quiet all steelhead, and a convenient tubular steel chassis.
Ideal for the contract cleaner who has a large area to clean and would like to get it all done in a single pass.
The NVQ470 is Ideal not only for contract cleaners but also for workshop use and general tidying in semi-industrial environments. Its steel head features NuCable technology allowing for easy and convenient changes of power cable should the original cable become damaged or worn.
High – low operation ensures the NVQ 470’s power can be adjusted to suit the specific needs of the job in hand.
Supplied with full A1 kit.